Core Values & Goals

Core Values & Goals
Our core values drive everything we do here at Paladin. From our hiring process to our ownership and staff. They are the measuring stick we use to keep ourselves and each other accountable, and it is the standard we expect our clients to hold us to as well.
Our Core Values (TAG-HI)
We feel this is a critical component of any good management company and is something we value deeply. We advocate and promote transparency from the top down, and at every level in our management system. From 24/7 access to your association’s financial records in real-time, to be able to view and keep track of the progress on maintenance tickets and violation reports in real-time, we try to make our process as transparent as possible.
Things don’t always go perfectly, and when they don’t, we feel the most important thing is to own it. When we fall short we feel it’s critical to take accountability for the error so that we can fix it. We seek to identify the point of failure so we can correct it next time. Within our company, we reward accountability among our staff and have little tolerance for blame or excuses. Even when we do well, we look for opportunities to do better.
We also feel it’s important to keep the communities we work with accountable to the associations governing documents. Without accountability to these documents, community living can become quite unenjoyable for those who are part of it.
Where Gratitude is present, neither fear nor anger can exist. We try to focus on the reasons we have to be grateful rather than the reasons we could find to be dissatisfied. We find that this attitude is contagious and that a community full of grateful people is much more enjoyable to live in than the alternative.
We choose to focus on our reasons for Gratitude, after all, we have a lot to be grateful for! We have the opportunity to make a living serving our clients well, bringing about measurable improvements in their lives, and making them happy. What better opportunity could we have?
In addition to that, we try to give people in our communities a couple of extra reasons to be grateful too!
Humility is an essential trait for success in property management. Humility is what gives us the ability to listen and learn. It’s what allows us to be patient and understanding with people who might be going through their own difficulties in life. It’s what gives us permission to tap into all the resources and ideas available to us, giving us the best chance at success. Working on cultivating humility has been a critical part of the journey that got us to where we are now and will be even more critical in getting us to where we are going.
Integrity means doing the right thing, even when nobody is looking. In our line of work, this quality is indispensable. Our clients trust us with their investments and their funds. They trust us with the place they live. To be successful and do right by our clients, we must do the next right thing no matter what. Rigorous honesty and integrity are the foundation on top of which everything else in our company is built. We believe that our commitment to integrity has been the primary driver for our success.
Our Hiring Strategy
Character > Skills. Skills can be taught but character must be earned. Our objective when hiring is to seek out and hire high character individuals who fit our company culture as outlined in our core values. This is our only requirement for employment. We believe that any person who possess’ the character traits that we value and look for will be able to learn the necessary skills to excel in their role within the company.

Our Mission
Asset Appreciation
Our mission is to ensure that any assets under management appreciate in value relative to the market.
A phenomenal client experience.
To the best of our ability we endeavor for all of our clients to have a phenomenal experience working with us.